Everyone probably knows the name of Steve Jobs of Apple . He was born on 24 Feb 1955 . He was a well known entrepreneur and known for his service for the Apple Corporation Ltd.
No doubt he was a true genius but there are lot of tales that tells about his insanity ( I am true fan of him ) . Here are some of the insane facts about truly genius Steve Jobs .

Interesting Facts About Steve Jobs -

1. Steve Jobs kept his salary $ 1 since 1997 .

2. Steve Jobs was pescetarian , which means he only eats fish but do not eats meat.

3. He never used licensed number plates on the silver Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG . 

4. He always parked his car in the space of diabled parking zone.

5. He always prefered clothing like a uniform .

6. He was a perfectionist and could stop the work if something was carried out without his permission.

7. He took eight years to select his furniture for his house.

8. Even late in his life, he revised 67 nurses and chose three who took care of him .

If you know more facts about Steve Jobs then comment below and share with us. We will add them here . Thanks